"...The really strong side of Touch The Spider! is their ability to make air guitar and head banging friendly songs...
I would still recommend this to those who enjoy hard rock in the vein of Pentagram and Black Sabbath..."
"... I think they are simply phenomenal!"
"... The perfect album for dark hours. Songs like 'This Ain`t A Love Song', 'Searching' or the awesome 'Souls For Sale' are full of emotions and depth.." (Translated excerpt)
"... Basically you can pick out JOY DIVISION and dirty SISTERS OF MERCY. But there's no copying, influences are used to create compact original compositions..." (Translated excerpt)
"... It is certain that TOUCH THE SPIDER are promising ... you can have a crack at them whatever sort of Doom you prefer ..." (Translated excerpt)
"...According to the motto 'Brevity is the soul of wit' the two of TOUCH THE SPIDER! release smashing hits..." (Translated excerpt)
"... Yes, it’s a strange mixture but it actually works quite well and most songs have a catchy feel!
How often do you find yourself singing along on a catchy chorus like “It’s a long way to hell” with noisy guitars and feeling like humming to a radio friendly pop song?
So that’s really cool stuff. ..."
Souls for sale
Touch The Spider!
Souls for sale